“Providing services for management of natural resources” of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme «(INTERREG V-B) Balkan – Mediterranean 2014 2020»
Τhe meeting has been held on by the Executive Forest Agency at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry building, on Hall 400, in Sofia Bulgaria.
There were participants from all of the partner countries and more specifically there were representatives from the Albanian Ministry of Tourism and Environment and the National Agency of Natural Resources, the National Agency of Natural Resources of the republic of North Macedonia, the Agriculture Research Institute of Cyprus, the Hellenic Agricultural Organization DEMETER – Soil and Water Resources Institute, the Interbalkan Environment Center, the Region of Thessaly and of course many employees of the meeting’s host the Executive Forest Agency of Bulgaria.
The Project’s implementation progress has been presented by each Project Partner. In the end, a discussion has been made about the financial progress, the modifications that would likely be needed and finally, the next meeting scheduling.